Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Where To Massage For Migraine

Are They Safe To Try

2 Easiest Neck Self Massages for Headaches, Migraines and Neck Pain.

Ear seeds are generally safe. Theyre noninvasive and dont require the use of needles, so theres a much lower risk of infection or bleeding compared to acupuncture.

However, if you have sensitive skin or a latex allergy, metal seeds or adhesive tape might cause some irritation. If your skin tends to get irritated by metal, stick with ceramic or vaccaria seeds.

Some people also develop small sores around the seeds. This is often due to massaging the seeds too frequently or not letting the ears rest before applying new seeds.

In addition, some people do experience side effects while using ear seeds, including brief spells of:

While these side effects arent very common, its best to avoid driving immediately after massaging your ear seeds until you know how your body reacts.

Generally, its always a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider before trying any new treatment, including ear seeds.


If youre pregnant, dont try ear seeds or other forms of auriculotherapy before talking to your healthcare provider. Some points may induce early labor.

S To Address Cranial Fascia

Improving the elasticity and differentiation of the cranial fascia is relatively straightforward. One method is to use your fingertips to move the various layers against each other, and against the skull.

1. This is not like scrubbing the surface of the scalp instead, focus on shearing, sliding and freeing the fascial layers.

2. Use firm, deep transverse pressure to sense, assess and release fascial adhesions, pulls and thickenings.

3. Use a confident but sensitive touch.

4. Spend at least several minutes with this technique, addressing the various layers over the whole head. Add active movements of the eyebrows, face and eyes after releasing the outer layers. This last action engages the nervous system, which leads to more effective results.

Teeth Clenching And Sleep

Nighttime clenching is called bruxism. There is very little medical understanding behind why someone grinds or clenches in their unconscious sleep state. However, there is some psychological connection between how we process our stress during the night. The fight or flight response to stress causes an increase in tension within your muscles. This is a primal reaction of the nervous system to keep us out of danger. The higher the tone in the muscle system, the greater the chance of us having more power and force to evade an attack. When this amped-up system drives us daily, the opposing system which controls how we rest and digest becomes imbalanced.

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Side Effects Of Massage Therapy For Migraine

Massages are usually considered as a safe and effective way to treat migraines and other types of headaches when done by a professional, and a licensed massage therapist. So make sure your therapist is a professional and not a layman as most of the time side effects that are associated with messages are often caused when unprofessional and non-specialists conduct messages.

Benefit #2 Regular Massage Therapy Improves Muscle Agility

Massage for Headaches

While it reduces your pain, a massage therapy regime will also make improve the flexibility in the joints, consequently reducing the chances of pulling a muscle and causing further injury. A massage does this by reducing the build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is produced as a by-product of muscle metabolism, which if left unchecked, leads to muscle soreness and tightness.

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When Should You Get A Massage For A Migraine

Anytime is a good time to get a massage, but youll experience the most benefits when you schedule regular massages.

Regular massages help by:

  • Keeping tension and muscle aches at bay

  • Keeping your body and mind relaxed

  • Helping improve your sleep

For some, a consistent massage schedule helps prevent headaches.

You can also schedule a massage when you feel a headache coming on. Telltale signs often signal a migraine is coming. Scheduling a massage when you notice the symptoms can help reduce the length and severity of your migraine or even stop it in its tracks.

Benefit #4 Relieves Stress

Besides relieving one from physical symptoms of stress like soreness and tension in the muscles, a massage helps calm the mind and relax the mood. Its a well-quoted fact that massage releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine hormones that together counter the effects of cortisol, also called the stress hormone.

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Massage For Migraines: How To Get Rid Of Your Worst Headaches

Mar 30, 2022 | Natural Health

It starts with fatigue and a dull throb on one side of your head. Soon the nausea, aura, and light sensitivity kick in. Inwardly you groan, already knowing whats coming another migraine.

If you suffer from migraines or tension headaches, you know this feeling all too well. Experts estimate that half of all Americans experience tension headaches, while 12% of us get full-on migraines.

When you feel a migraine coming on, you want to get rid of it ASAP. Have you ever considered getting a massage for your migraines as a viable treatment option?

Keep reading to find out if massage could be an effective treatment option for your worst headaches.

The Link Between Tinnitus And Temporomandibular Disorder

Instant Headache Relief in Seconds with Self Massage. Do-it-Yourself

If you have tinnitus, a neck injury can feel even worsebut your tinnitus isnt actually causing a neck injury. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge that connects your skull to your lower jaw. Temporomandibular disorder is a painful problem that affects your jaw muscles, joints, and facial nerves. TMJ problems can make it hard to fully open ones mouth and often involve a loud clicking or popping sound while eating.

In addition to jaw pain, some of the most common side effects of TMJ issues include:

Can neck pain cause ear pain? Not exactly. Although your neck pain isnt causing the ringing in your ears directly, they both may be side effects of issues caused by TMJ. Why would a stiff neck and tinnitus be caused by TMJ? Here are some of the main connections:

  • Your chewing muscles are located very close to your ears and can affect your hearing
  • Your heads nerve supply is very closely connected
  • One of your jaw ligaments is directly connected with a hearing bone of the middle ear

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Self Massage For Allergy Headaches

Few things ruin a beautiful day faster than seasonal allergies. When pollen strikes, besides reaching for the allergy medication, you can try these easy self-massage techniques.

To relieve an allergy headache :

  • Place your index fingers between the inner corners of your eyes and the bridge of your nose.
  • Apply firm but gentle pressure and hold your fingers in place for 15 seconds.
  • Maintaining this pressure, stroke both fingers downward along either side of your nose.
  • Repeat steps 1-3 until the pressure subsides.
  • To relieve an allergy headache :

  • Place your index and middle fingers on the back of your neck, at the base of your skull on either side of your spine.
  • With gentle pressure, glide your fingertips upward into your skull for 30 seconds while slowly tilting your head from side to side.
  • Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Treatment

    An Australian study included migraineurs with frequent attacks diagnosed by a neurologist . The participants were divided into three study groups cervical manipulation by chiropractor, cervical manipulation by physiotherapist or physician, and cervical mobilization by physiotherapist or physician. The mean migraine attack duration was skewed in the three groups, as it was much longer in cervical manipulation by chiropractor than cervical manipulations by physiotherapist or physician and cervical mobilization groups . The study had several investigators and the treatment within each group was beside the mandatory requirements free for the therapists. No statistically significant differences were found between the three groups. Improvement was observed in all three groups post-treatment . Prior to the trial, chiropractors were confident and enthusiastic about the efficacy of cervical manipulation, while physiotherapists and physicians were doubtful about the relevance. The study did not include a control group although cervical mobilization is mentioned as the control group in the paper. A follow-up 20 months after the trial showed further improvement in the all three groups .

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    Drilling Bamboo Acupressure Point

    Drilling bamboo points are located at the indentations on either side of the spot where the bridge of your nose meets the ridge of your eyebrows. To use these pressure points to treat headaches:

  • Use both of your index fingers to apply firm pressure to both points at once.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Release and repeat.
  • Touching these pressure points can relieve headaches that are caused by eyestrain and sinus pain or pressure.

    Let Cooler Heads Prevailusing Cold Stones

    Idea by Afrikah on Detox, Holistic and Herbs, Diet Plans

    Kelly Lott11 is a massage therapist and educator with 20-plus years of experience. Although Lott does not suffer from migraines, she has made it her mission to assist clients who need help managing migraine pain. Migraine patients yearn for cold, not heat, says Lott.

    Lott has observed that active massage therapy can increase blood flow and cause inflammation in some migraine clients. She has developed a set of marble stones designed to be used on the forehead, temples, sinus area and back of the scalp. The stones are refrigerated at 36 degrees Fahrenheit until used.

    The placement of the stones includes the area where the trigeminal nerves and the occipital nerves are located. These two sets of nerves are known to cause migraine attacks if they become inflamed. The soothing coolness of the stones can help to calm these nerves. She recommends that cold stone therapy can be used once a week for prevention of migraine attacks or during an active attack.

    Lott recommends the following four myofascial trigger points to relieve pressure in the face. This can be performed in conjunction with cold stone therapy or on its own.12

  • Place thumb pads under the orbital ridge close to the bridge of the nose. Press up and inward to the bones, to a comfort level. This exercise tends to provide the fastest relief, say Lott.
  • Using your index fingers, press into the orbital ridge bone , one place at a time, from inside to outside. Hold for 20 seconds.
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    Can You Use Massage For Headache Relief

    Can you use massage for headache relief? We consult the experts to find out

    We all know the therapeutic benefits of a relaxing treatment, but as well as reducing stress levels, can you use massage for headache and migraine relief?

    According to Sally Chamness, massage therapist and owner of Phoenix Health and Wellness , headaches can be the symptom of many different things, from dehydration to hormone imbalances, and from tension to more serious neurological conditions.

    Massage can be a great source of relief for stress and tension headaches, she says. The most common areas that cause headaches are tension in the jaw, temples, neck or shoulders.

    Want the really good news? When you cant get to a massage therapist, you can do one yourself at home. Head massages in particular have also been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve circulation and support hair growth, so read on to find out how it all works.

    And if youre also suffering from stubborn knots or muscle soreness, check out out guide to the best massage guns for a self-massage tool you can use at home.

    Third Eye Pressure Point

    The third eye point can be found between your two eyebrows where the bridge of your nose meets your forehead.

  • Use the index finger of one hand to apply firm pressure to this area for 1 minute.
  • Firm pressure applied to the third eye pressure point is thought to relieve eyestrain and sinus pressure that often cause headaches.

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    What The Science Shows

    Massage therapy for migraine relief isnât a new idea. The American Massage Therapy Association offers a course for its members to learn about migraines and how massage can help. Some top doctors also recommend massage therapy for migraines.

    Hereâs a look at a few of the studies that suggest massage therapy could be an effective migraine treatment.

    Massage therapy may reduce migraine pain and improve quality of life. A U.S. study of people with migraines placed 26 participants into two groups. The control group got no intervention, while a massage group got two massages a week for 5 weeks. The massage group fared much better, reporting:

    • Much less migraine pain
    • Fewer sleep problems
    • Higher levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin

    Massage therapy may reduce migraine frequency and improve sleep. A 13-week New Zealand study of nearly 50 people also divided participants into a control and a massage group. Both groups completed regular questionnaires about their health and habits. The massage group also received weekly massages during weeks 5-10.

    The benefits were clear and lasting, even during the last 3 weeks of the study without massages. Compared with the control group, the massage group reported:

    • Less frequent migraines
    • Better stress management and coping skills
    • Greatly improved sleep quality

    Massage For Tension Headaches

    Instant Headache Relief In Seconds With Self Massage & Stretch Techniques

    by Katrina JenkinsJan 25, 2021

    The tension headache. That tightening ache that stems from your knotted neck and wraps around your head. You feel like youre wearing an undersized invisible headband, and you wish the thing would just snap in half. You were stressed before the onset, and you become more stressed as the invisible band tightens.

    What are you going to do? You can lay down to rest since rest is good for just about everything. But if the headache stems from sore neck muscles, a bit of rest isnt going to smooth out those adhesions by itself. You could take some pain medications, but that wont treat the stress that caused and/or followed the ache. If you want to address both the root and symptoms of the tension headache, bodywork is an ideal first step!

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    Who Should Not Take Messages To Treat Migraine

    Whether it is head massage for migraine, scalp massage for migraines, or foot massage for migraine, massages are not suitable for people under certain health conditions. Heres the list of health conditions wherein you should avoid massages or at least consult a doctor or physician before getting a massage done.

  • Skin rashes or other similar problems
  • Migraines and other types of headaches are the most common problems that are people around the globe. While there arent any particular treatments for the long term, people who suffer from migraine often should consider relaxing at least 30 minutes every day to release stress and anxiety. Talk to your doctor to see whats the best treatment for you in the long term.

    Why Try Pressure Point Work On Your Headaches

    With no side effects or big price tags, trying pressure point techniques is low cost and low risk for many people. Even better, with the following images and directions courtesy of, you can learn acupressure without leaving your home.

    You can practice acupressure for headache and migraine attacks at home to relieve some of the pain, tightness, and abdominal issues that come with an attack. Working on pressure points for headaches is a safe, natural way to get relief from migraine and headache symptoms and a free tool worth adding to your toolkit.

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    Who Shouldnt Use Acupressure

    Wondering if this is risky to try? Rest assured that acupressure is a relatively safe way to alleviate pain, and it can typically be used many times a day without causing any harm.

    But that doesnât mean you shouldnât still be careful. Donât put pressure on any areas where you have burns, infections, contagious skin diseases, or active cancer.

    Pregnant women should consult with a doctor before using acupressure because some points are believed to induce contractions. People with joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis should also talk to their healthcare provider before trying acupressure.

    To wrap all this up, acupressure is a natural, easy, and relatively safe method for pain relief, but it shouldnât be your primary treatment for any serious conditions or illnesses, including migraine. Many sufferers control migraine by combining alternative treatments and prescription medication.

    If you’d like to work with a doctor who specializes in migraine to find the right treatment for you, we can connect you with a Cove doctor today.

    The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

    So Are Massages Good For Migraines

    Massage Your Headaches Away

    The short answer: Yes! While she doesn’t recommend it as your sole treatment plan if you’re suffering from constant migraines, Dr. Mafee explains that massaging your head can still be incredibly helpful in relieving pain. You can do it as soon as you start feeling the pain, smack dab in the middle of the migraine, or even during that awkward time while you’re waiting for your prescription meds to work while curled up in bed.

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    Types Of Massage For Migraine Relief

    Massage therapy can be relaxing or intense. It can use hot stones or cold stones. It can focus on your feet or work magic above your neck.

    Is there one that works better than another when it comes to headache relief? Absolutely, but it may be different for you than for someone else. The best type of massage for your migraines will depend on your preferences, your triggers, and ultimately your results.

    As you think about your options, consider this list of massage types that have some published science to support their use.

    Traditional and aromatherapy massage. Traditional massage helps relieve anxiety and promote relaxation. If you add aromatherapy, where the practitioner includes essential oils in the session, you may feel even better. Research shows that lavender essential oil can help relieve stress and promote quality sleep. One study even suggests that lavender aromatherapy helps reduce migraine symptoms.

    Keep in mind that essential oils, which seem natural and safe, can have negative effects as well. Some can trigger headaches or other symptoms in people who are sensitive to smells.

    Trigger point massage. Some people find headache relief with head and neck trigger-point massage. The idea behind its effectiveness: problems in your skeletal muscle refer pain up to your head. When you âreleaseâ those muscles, your chronic headaches ease up.

    • Greater relaxation
    • Lower stress levels

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