Monday, September 2, 2024

Marketing Ideas For Massage Therapy Business

Refer A Friend Schemes

How To Grow Your Massage Therapy Practice in a Saturated Market | Massage Business Marketing Tips

This one wont apply if youre just starting out as a sports massage therapist, but its still worth thinking about for the future.

If you do already have a few clients, and youre looking for sports massage marketing ideas to expand that client base, then you should definitely put a refer a friend scheme in place.

Its really as simple as asking your existing clients if they have any friends or family members that could also benefit from your services.

Chances are, your marathon runner client who you see every week, she has a network of friends with similar hobbies and interests.

Those friends could be potential clients who just dont know about sports massage, but once they hear it from a friend, they might think about giving it a try.

Not only that, people trust their peers – more so than they do brands and business owners. If you can get your clients talking about your business, that can be a more effective way of getting new clients than any marketing communications that you set out yourself.

This is a classic form of word of mouth marketing which will really get your message out there.

If you really want this strategy to work, then consider setting up an incentive-based referral scheme.

Offer an incentive to your existing clients, for example, a discounted or free massage for every new client that they bring in. That will really encourage your clients to talk about your business and get clients through the door.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

Your unique value proposition is the thing that sets you apart from the competition. It is the unique value that you offer to clients, motivating them to choose you over the massage therapist down the street.

To find your unique value proposition, start by polling your current clients. Ask what it is about you as a massage therapist that keeps them coming back. It could be that you know how to apply the right amount of pressure, or you may have a gift for making people feel relaxed around you. Once youve figured out what makes you exceptional, play up your strengths.

Take Advantage Of Email Marketing

The world is a busy place and for most people, its hard enough to remember what they had for dinner last night. When your clients forget to book recurring appointments with you, its likely nothing personal but dont worry, theres an easy fix!

When you send customers personalized, friendly emails regarding an important date such as their birthday, it demonstrates a level of compassion and genuine regard for their patronage. And, by placing value on them, your clients are more likely to hold you and your services in high-esteem leading to more bookings and more business!

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Implement Digital Seo For Your Website To Boost Traffic

Search engine optimization is extremely important to drive traffic to your website, which in turn, will bring foot traffic in your door. When potential customers are searching online for massage therapy or physiotherapy and sports massage, you ideally want to pop up in those online searches as a local business. You can take online courses to learn the basics of SEO such asUdemy and depending on what web platform you use, there are step-by-step SEO optimization tools such as Yoastthat can help you. When the time is right and you have the budget, hiring an SEO and digital marketing specialist can be extremely valuable.

Founder of Wild Rose Eastern Medicine in Portland, OR, Kaisa Jones, told us how important it is to prioritize SEO for your website. I didnt realize how important SEO was when I launched my website a year ago. However, I realized the platform I chose wasnt great for SEO and I was getting very little website traffic which was impacting my business. I am now moving my website to a platform that will allow me to optimize my SEO. I also now have a resource to help me with my SEO strategy. She further explains that she is using this opportunity to rebrand in a way that will get more specific on the clientele she would like to treat.

As you update your website for SEO, its also very important to make sure your website is optimized for mobile since so many people searching for local business listings are on-the-go.

Get Listed In Online Directories

Chiropractic Marketing 101

Long gone are the days when you could rely on advertising in a phone book to bring in new clients. To be found by potential customers, you have to modernize your listings and get listed in online directories. Its essential that any local service-based business has a strong web presence, and massage clinics are no exception. A good place to start is with the sites below.

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Avoid The Common Mistakes When Picking Your Business Name

Next, you can check out my list of 2754 Unique Salon Names .

Note that this article is part of my overall guide to opening a spa or salon. If you havent check it out already, I strongly recommend you go through my opening a salon checklist for more tips and ideas when starting a massage business.

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Massage Marketing: 6 Strategies To Stand Out

According to the New Global Wellness Institute research, the worldwide wellness market is growing at an all-time high historic rate and is now a $4.2 trillion global industry.

A big part of the wellness market includes massage therapy, sports massage and physiotherapy. In fact, research estimates that massage therapy was an $18 billion industry in 2018 according to theIBIS World Industry Report.

Opening a massage business is an exciting venture filled with a lot of opportunities to help those who need massage therapy to maintain a healthy mind, body and soul. An important strategy to acquire and retain customers includes strategic and effective massage marketing. Jumping straight into advertising can be costly and hiring a marketing resource can also be a big expense. Here are some tips on how to most effectively market your massage business to build credibility and find customers.

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Google My Business Listing

After youve found the perfect space and printed your business cards, sign up for a Google My Business listing, and verify that all information is correct. This tool locates your massage therapy business on Google Maps and shows people your hours and contact information. Once youre listed, people can review you on Google.

Creative Marketing Ideas For Massage Therapists

Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners 2018 from a Massage Therapist

1. Just because someone needs a massage doesnt mean theyll seek you out. Your massage specialties will set you apart from other therapists, but it may also separate you away from business because a client might want something you dont offer. Be active, honest, and let people know the value your massages can provide and convince them to walk through your doors.

2. You need to follow-up with every customer you have, even if youre just seeking out feedback from their experience. Positive and negative feedback both help you to correct mistakes and enhance strengths and the contact may just help your customers realize they were able to relax a lot and want another appointment.

3. Provide potential clients with a lot of value by starting a blog about your massage therapy business and what your personal philosophies happen to be. A massage can be a spiritual experience for some people, so knowing where you stand will help people ultimately feel more comfortable with you.

4. Be humble about what you can do because being arrogant will cause people to not take you seriously. Massage therapists who are considered a joke are therapists that lose clients to their competitors.

5. Where do your potential prospects live, work, and have fun? These are the places you need to be if youre looking to fill up a day with appointments. The more you interact with people and get your unique brand out there and known, then the more likely you are to pull in a customer when they need a massage.

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Build An Awesome Massage Therapy Website

The first thing youll need is a website that communicates the professionalism and value of your services.

Getting a professional design that loads quickly and is mobile friendly is no problem with todays template designs.

At Marketing 360®, our business website templates can be customized to your business quickly and easily. These are clean designs that make it easy to convey your message fast and persuade people to act. Here is an example mock-up:

Your website is your first impression, and its content will often determine if someone schedules an appointment. Make sure your website looks modern, professional and trustworthy.

Pro tip: Go for clarity

When you design a website for your business, its easy to get caught up in the bells and whistles. If you do, youll end up with a website that you think is really cool but probably wont convert effectively.

Before you fret over images, fonts and color schemes, remember to build essentials, like your contact info, services and location into your design.

Clear website content orients people so they know theyre in the right place and understand what action to take. If you dont have the basics down, a fancy design wont do much for you.

Make A Customer Not A Sale

Social selling is about the relationship, not the deal. A business transaction cannot be a one-time eventit needs to be an ongoing positive interaction that leads to better relationships and a shared interest in a mutually compelling product.

This sort of accord happens only as you consistently build a network of trust around your service.

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Get Active In Your Community And Local Advertising

Never forget that being seen is super important, to stimulate awareness get active in the local communities. For instance , if you offer massage for pregnant clients, get involved with pregnancy-related events and organizations.

When it comes to local advertising, there are a ton of things that fall into this category when marketing your business:

  • Signage at parlor Conspicuously place signs on the exterior door or in the window so people know youre in business.
  • Local newspapers and magazines- Advertising in local publications is one of the easiest ways to market.
  • Signs or lettering of your car If you offer massage for pregnant clients, create a sign with the phrase Pregnancy Massage that can be placed on the windshield or on the side with lettering if it is a company car.
  • Discount coupons handed out at work or school Even if they dont go for it themselves, the people around them may make a purchase because they know someone who is interested.
  • Collateral marketing pieces These are things like brochures, postcards, or flyers that can be handed out to potential clients.

Valentines Day Massage Memes You Can Use Right Now

Design by Pizaz Creative
  • Amber Ludeman

At MassageBook, we love a good Valentines Day meme. Theyre funny, accessible, and drive social shares like no other!

We also know that, when accompanied by a link to gift certificates or specials, they can generate serious sales for your massage therapy business. Thats why weve put together 10 free Valentines Day massage memes you can use right now.

Each square image is 1080×1080 pixels, which is a recommended image size for Facebook and Instagram posts. It also tends to work well if youd like to share them across any other social media channels you use most.

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Get Creative With Your Referrals

Referrals are an excellent source of business. If you can, reward your clients for their referrals with credit toward products or their next massage.

You can print referral postcards or use the reverse of your business card. Make sure you leave room for your client to put their name so they can receive credit.

How To Get Started

Start by thinking about what your clients ask you about during sessions. Do your clients often forget how often they should come in for a visit? Do they remember what stretches they can do to keep their hamstrings loose between sessions? Is there one area of massage that you specialize in, like helping athletes or pregnant women? Are you passionate about helping your clients feel completely blissful during sessions, or would you rather dig in to help them loosen deep knots?

Once youre generating original writing, make sure you share these thoughts across your social media accounts. Let your current and future clients know what youre great at, who you are, and how you can help them live their best lives. When you become too busy with clients to keep writing, you can always outsource that work so you can focus on doing what you love.

Remember, people prefer to work with experts in their field. By keeping on top of communication and education, youre on your way to being recognized as one!

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Create An Event For Other Small Businesses

If youre looking to network locally, but cant find much going on, why not throw your own bash? It neednt be a huge affair. What about inviting every local business owner in your area to your venue for a quick Thursday night champagne and nibbles? People can meet, exchange business cards and swap ideas. Youll find that others will welcome the idea because they, too, are keen to network and discover new marketing ideas for small business.

Just Waiting For The Phone To Ring

Stop Using DISCOUNTS to Market Your Massage Business! | Massage Therapy Marketing Tips

Some massage therapists wonder why they arent getting any clients when they havent gone out and promoted their business.

Learn the marketing and selling skills you need to promote your business. You can learn all that you need in a relatively short time. Then go out and put these skills to use. Keep working on improving and refining your marketing skills as you go.

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Massage Advertising And Marketing: 7 Best Practices To Help Promote Your Spa Business

If youre a massage therapist or a massage clinic owner, the good news is that youre in an industry with an excellent outlook for growth.

Consider the following stats:

  • According to the American Massage Therapy Association , massage therapy is currently a $16 billion industry.
  • Its estimated that there are 385,000 massage therapists and massage therapy students currently in the United States, and revenue growth is projected to continue at an average rate of 4% per year through 2022.

But even with those positive numbers, it can be daunting to try and gain more clients and expand your customer base. Thats why its critical that you employ an effective massage advertising and marketing strategy.

The right technique will not only make prospective clients aware that your services are available, but also help build loyalty to bring them back to your table again and again.

Massage advertising is critical to set you apart from the competition, and the tips below will help you get started today.

Our pointers include:

Start A Referral Program

Who could possibly be better at helping you generate more leads than your happy satisfied customers who got to experience the soothing joy of your massage services?

A referral program is a type of word-of-mouth marketing, in which a customer is encouraged to refer your business to their family or friends, and avail rewards in return.

Heres how you can go about creating your own referral program:

1. Provide attractive introductory offers that your customers would definitely want to take up and would propel them to promote your brand to their circles of influence as well.

2.Allow your existing customers to take some timeto know and enjoy your services, and then you can pitch in your referral program.

People trust the opinion of their family and friends, so if you get referred by your client to their inner circle, they are more likely to book an appointment with you.

3. You can offer incentives for customers to introduce your services to their family and friends.

For example, your referrers can achieve reward points and avail them the next time they visit you. Reward points can include special massage sessions at discounted rates, coupons for massage products, etc.

These rewards can be introduced to your new customer as well. Hence, a win-win for both the referrer and your new intake. Similarly, you can incentivize new leads by offering discounts and coupons in exchange for their email addresses.

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Engage With Comments On Social Media

Social media offers an open-ended platform to communicate and engage with your customersand thats exactly the kind of thing they like bestyour personality coming through their feed.

Focus the limited time you have online toward understanding your customers and addressing their needs. One of the easiest ways to do this is by monitoring and responding to customer comments.

This approach helps you not only to serve client needs, but to create loyalty and trust in your brand. Respond to questions, offer gratitude for endorsements, ask questions, make recommendations based on your experience, offer options and share expertise.

Your passion will help to generate and direct your content in a personal and engaging way.

Establish Your Brand Online

Massage Marketing 101

Your brand is the way people perceive your business when they interact with itboth messages that you can control and the ones you cant.

Be proactive about owning your message. Pick your focus and the personality you want to communicate.

Choose the look of your brandincluding logos, colors and fonts.

Consistently communicate your brand as you post online with the words you choose, the content you display and the overall tone you strike with your audience.

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