Sunday, July 7, 2024

End Of Life Massage Training

Disparities In Palliative And Hospice Care

Tips For End-of-Life Caregiving: What are the benefits of palliative massage?

Variation in sociodemographic factors, clinical factors, physicians beliefs, and the availability of services all contribute to the wide variation of hospice services received by end-of-life patients. Areas of higher socioeconomics with regard to healthcare spending proved to have physicians who professed to be less knowledgeable about and less comfortable with introducing hospice to their patients treatment plans. Physicians beliefs about hospice care may be determined, in part, by their previous experience with hospice and hospice workers. Hospice is a less costly means of treatment for terminally ill patients, which may also explain its prevalence as a method of treatment .


Access to palliative care and hospice programs varies from state to state and between rural and urban populations. States with more concentrated population centers have a greater number of clinical settings other than patients homes in which hospice care can be provided .

A nationwide survey of the 4,515 Medicare-certified hospice programs in the United States revealed wide geographic variation in the prevalence of these programs . Medicare patients in rural areas are much less likely than those in metropolitan areas to use hospice care. Discrepancies also exist in the provision of palliative care .


How Will I Get Paid

Death doulas work as independent contractors and they charge an hourly or flat rate. This role is not currently covered under medicare. Some hospices budget for these services and hire contractors for a set number of hours.

If you are not working through a hospice, you will need to track your hours and invoice clients directly.

Removing Or Deactivating Cardiovascular Implants

Implanted cardioverter/defibrillators are used to correct life-threatening dysrhythmias. An actively dying patient may develop ventricular tachycardia due to hypoxia or electrolyte imbalances. One third of patients with ICDs will experience a shock in the last 24 hours of life unless the device is removed or deactivated. The shocks can potentially cause pain, distress, and anxiety and may prolong the dying process .

A consensus statement from the Heart Rhythm Society suggests that patients nearing the end of life have the right to decide whether to have these pacemakers or other cardiovascular implants removed or deactivated. The statement was developed in collaboration with several organizations, including the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. It explicitly states that removing or deactivating an implanted cardiovascular device near the end of life is not physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. However, it also states that physicians or other caregivers cannot be compelled to carry out a procedure that conflicts with their ethical values. In such cases, the physician cannot abandon the patient but rather should refer patients to a colleague willing to carry out the task. This consensus statement was reaffirmed in 2018 and will be formally reassessed in 2023 .

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Ask For Help When Needed

Massage therapists dont have to bear the burden of this work alone. Dont be afraid to seek supervision from hospice peers, Cheers encourages. Or, go talk to a professional counselor if needed, she adds. Here, be proactive. Dont wait until you feel yourself slipping toward depression or burnout before getting the help you need.

Pain And Palliative Care Massage

TLC Training: Holistic Care and Companionship at the End ...

Please note that all NCBTMB Specialty Certificate Programs have been discontinued. All education necessary to take the specialty exams must be completed by March 31, 2022. All exams must be taken on or before August 31, 2022. Certificates arrive within 4-6 weeks following exam completion.

NCBTMB partnered with The Heart Touch Project to create a Specialty Certificate in Pain and Palliative Care.

You can become eligible to obtain a Specialty Certificate in Pain and Palliative Care by completing the Heart Touch Pain and Palliative Care Massage Training Program and passing the NCBTMB Specialty Exam.

For more information, visit .

to apply for the exam if you are completing the required education by March 31, 2022.

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How Massage Therapists Can Help Seniors

As people age, they start to have an increasing number of physical problems that massage therapy is perfectly suited to address. From minor aches and pains or more complicated health issues, massage therapists can help seniors stay active well into their later years.

If you are interested in helping one of the largest special populations, with massage therapy you can:

  • Improve the individuals quality of life.
  • Improve their ability to sleep.
  • Relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Reduce aches and pains associated with aging.
  • Restoration of mobility.

Who Are Palliative Care Patients

According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organizations latest Hospice Care in America: Facts and Figures report, an estimated 1.6 million people received services from hospice in 2014, and that number has continued to steadily increase over the past several years. Patient demographics were about evenly split between men and women, with women making up roughly 54 percent of hospice patients to mens 46 percent. Approximately 84 percent were 65 years of age or older, and just slightly more than 40 percent were 85 or older.

Additionally, although cancer patients were the largest patient demographic to receive hospice and palliative care when these care models were first getting started, cancer diagnoses represent less than half of all hospice admissions today, with non-cancer diagnoses accounting for approximately 63 percent of hospice and palliative care patients.

The one common thread running through both palliative care and hospice is that patients eligible for these services have received a terminal diagnosis. Palliative care can begin as soon as someone receives a life-limiting diagnosis, says Mary Cheers, a massage therapist and educator in Lebanon, Ohio. Hospice care begins when the life expectancy is six months or less.

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Due To The Nature Of Their Work Massage Therapists Have A Unique Understanding Of The Connection Between Mind And Body

Often massage will be the turning point, the subtle mechanism, the well-poised key that gains admittance to the social, spiritual, cognitive, and emotional territories of existence through a physical experience. 2

Montgomery Hospice and Prince Georges Hospice thanks its massage therapists , as well as specially trained Comfort Touch® volunteers, for their dedication and commitment to serving patients and families through the powerful language of touch.

To learn more about our Complementary Therapies program, visit

Complementary Therapies Manager

End Of Life: Managing Mental And Emotional Needs

Palliative Massage Sept 2014

End-of-life care can also include helping the dying person manage mental and emotional distress. Someone who is alert near the end of life might understandably feel depressed or anxious. It is important to treat emotional pain and suffering. You might want to contact a counselor, possibly one familiar with end-of-life issues, to encourage conversations about feelings. Medicine may help if the depression or anxiety is severe.

The dying person may also have some specific fears and concerns. He or she may fear the unknown, or worry about those left behind. Some people are afraid of being alone at the very end. These feelings can be made worse by the reactions of family, friends, and even the medical team. For example, family and friends may not know how to help or what to say, so they stop visiting, or they may withdraw because they are already grieving. Doctors may feel helpless and avoid dying patients because they cannot help them further.

And some people may experience mental confusion and may have strange or unusual behavior, making it harder to connect with their loved ones. This can add to a dying person’s sense of isolation.

Here are a few tips that may help manage mental and emotional needs:

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Finding Stronger Research And Stronger Skills To Use It

3.0 CE hours, NCBTMB approved. Click here for a full list of approvals for this course.

Course Description

A client with cancer or a cancer history asks you, How will this help me?

How do you answer?

We often default to the lists of massage benefits we learned in school, on the web, or in trade publications. Yet in order to really speak to this clients question, to give an honest answer about the benefits of oncology massage, we need the best, most current oncology massage therapy research in the field.

In this course, we will review the oncology massage therapy evidence in a fun and easy-to-understand format. Then well choose the strongest and most relevant evidence for you to use with clients, in your outreach materials, and with health care professionals who might send you referrals.

Youll receive guidelines on how to use the evidence. When to bring it up, how to frame it, and when to use a simple testimonial instead.

Along with true massage benefits we can claim, we will also list the common myths in massage therapy to avoid. We will take a look at common massage claims that have little or no evidence behind them, and define better, stronger ways to make the case for massage therapy.

Youll go home with:

  • Accurate claims to strengthen your case for oncology massage, based on research and observations from massage practice
  • Better tools that strengthen your outreach to potential oncology clients and referral sources
  • Learning Objectives

    Registration Now Open For The Next Available Program

    Program Cost: $2,595.00 USD if paid in full with a single payment

    Upon completing your course registration, you will receive instructions for how to access this courseware in Canvas.

    Refund/Cancellation Policy: We do not offer refunds. It is our expectation that students complete their coursework and graduate with their cohort in order to earn a certificate.

    If you have paid and not yet accessed the coursework, you may consider offering a one-time gift of your enrollment as a scholarship to a student in need.

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    Faqs: Death Doula Jobs

    A death doula is still considered an alternative or holistic service. Because of this, there may still be questions lingering on your mind. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions:

    How much does a death doula get paid?

    The pay of a death doula will depend upon the agreed-upon amount between you and your client. This is usually presented at an hourly or per day rate. Some doulas may decide to charge a flat fee to assist the person in their dying process.

    The hourly rate can range from $25 to over $100 an hour depending on the needs of the client.

    Are there any free trainings or scholarships for someone who wants to become a death doula?

    Yes, some training centers have scholarship programs. Payment plans are also offered to break up the costs. This can vary based on each training program.

    How do you find the best death doula training?

    Contacting your local hospice is a great place to start. You can also research doula training programs online.

    One of the most well-known is the International End of Life Doula Association . The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization may also have resources. The National End-of-Life Doula Alliance is another great directory and you may consider talking with death doulas currently in practice.

    Should There Always Be Someone In The Room With A Dying Person


    Staying close to someone who is dying is often called keeping a vigil. It can be comforting for the caregiver or other family members to always be there, but it can also be tiring and stressful. Unless your cultural or religious traditions require it, do not feel that you must stay with the person all the time. If there are other family members or friends around, try taking turns sitting in the room.

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    Dying In Good Hands: Palliative Massage Certificate Training With Christine Sutherland

    Training for Hospice Workers & Volunteers, Massage Therapists & Students, Health Professionals, Caregivers, Nursing Students, Families & Friends.

    Effective, safe massage & hydrotherapy for the palliative, chronic disabled, terminally ill Proven massage techniques for at home or hospitals for end of life or chronic care Outreach Practicum at Vermont Square for Wheelchair Massage Training Learn to teach palliative massage classes & tutorial practicums for instructor training Experience Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory Palliative Massage

    Earn A Specialty Certificate

    In Oct. 2017, Heart Touch teamed up with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork to offer massage therapists a new curriculum to help those dealing with chronic, debilitating pain.

    After 200 hours of training and a passing score on the NCBTMB exam, therapists can receive a Specialty Certificate in Pain and Palliative Care. The certificate allows therapists to service those in hospital and hospice settings.

    NCBTMB and The Heart Touch Projects Specialty Certificate Program in Pain and Palliative Care was created to ensure massage therapists have the knowledge and skills to enter the medical profession with confidence, said Donna Sarvello, LMT, BCTMB, vice president of educational support for NCBTMB.

    Therapists who voluntarily take and pass the educational and examination component of this program demonstrate to key stakeholders, such as employers, that they have earned additional education and experience working with fellow medical professionals, pediatric patients, and oncology patients, she said.

    Such an education empowers therapists to assess and utilize appropriate techniques that may help to alleviate pain without the use of opioids and pain medications.

    Because the Heart Touch Method touches so many lives, the organizations founder felt more could be done. After a 15-year partnership with local hospitals in southern California, it became evident a need for non-pharmacological treatment needed to surface.

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    Is Pain Or Palliate Care Massage The Right Specialty For You

    Adler says candidates must have the same qualities that work in a hospital setting: be compassionate and a team player.

    It is helpful to have a calm demeanor and to not get ruffled with repeated interruptions by other health care providers, she says.

    With professional insight from:Spokesman, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

    Susan Adler

    Pain Relief In Palliative Care

    Palliative Massage Training Summer 2014

    The program grew roots back in the early 1990s. Founder Shawnee Isaac Smith had a friend with AIDS who requested bodywork from her. Little was known about the disease then, and many massage therapistsand health care workers in generalwere reluctant to touch AIDS patients.

    After giving her friend massage, Smith realized the impact it could have on both therapist and client. Other AIDS patients began calling her, and after enough interest accumulated, she founded the nonprofit to teach others gentle touch.

    The Heart Touch Project was born in 1994, and since its founding, more than 23,000 free massages have been given. A hospital ward in California was also named in Smiths friends honor.

    This was not a small feat for a nonprofit.

    The daily impact it has on volunteers has been huge too.

    The Heart Touch Project has made me a better massage therapist, and a better person, said Knapp. The program helps you connect with mortality in an uplifting way, which sounds like a strange word to use when dealing with death, but its true.

    Touch is simple, but its so intensely important, especially when dealing with the distress and anxiety of the end of life.

    While massage therapists certainly benefit from training in the Heart Touch Method, its for anyone interested in developing a loving presence to the terminally ill, especially family members.

    A certificate of completion, HIPAA certification, free TB screening test and background check are all offered at the end of training.

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    Emotional And Physical Demands

    Being with someone in their final hours can be fulfillingand also exhausting. When people are close to death, you may be on-watch for long hours. As we all know, people can die at any moment and sometimes it can be quick or a long, drawn-out process.

    Doulas can be working for more than 12 hours, focused on some emotionally intense tasks for their client. A consistent self-care practice can help you avoid burnout and help you keep up with the demands of the job.

    Becoming a death doula also requires a sense of emotional security and the ability to know when to set boundaries. Setting boundaries can be hard especially when your job is precisely to guide someone through the most trying time of their life. Seeing people transition from life to death can be jarring, so it is helpful if you can maintain a practice of mindfulness and serenity for both yourself and your client.

    What Is Hospice Care

    Hospice is considered the gold standard for end-of-life care. The central paradigm of hospice is that each person is entitled to a high quality of life using a holistic approach and that families are entitled to the support necessary to allow that to happen .

    In part, hospice care provides a delivery system for the palliative care services described above. However, hospice requires determination from a physician that an individuals life expectancy is less than six months.

    Hospice care is based on an interdisciplinary team approach that includes physicians, nurses, spiritual counselors, social workers, home health aides, bereavement counselors, trained volunteers, and speech, physical, and occupational therapists, if needed. The team develops an individualized care plan with family caregivers as shared decision makers to meet each patients needs for pain management and symptom control. When the patient is cared for at home, hospice staff is on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week .

    The services delivered by a hospice multidisciplinary team include:

    Many people mistakenly think the term hospice refers to a place. Although there are some residential hospice facilities, most hospice care takes place in the patients home or the home of a loved one, and less frequently in hospitals and nursing homes.


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    Characteristics Of Grief And Mourning

    How a person grieves depends on their personality, physical and emotional coping patterns, relationship with and attachment to the person who died, cultural beliefs, and the situation surrounding the loss. Grief reactions can be psychological, emotional, physical, or social. Psychological and emotional reactions can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and despair. Physical reactions can include difficulty sleeping, appetite changes, somatic complaints, or illness. Social reactions can include feelings about taking care of others in the family, the desire to see or not see family or friends, or the desire to return to work . If the deceased was the primary earner, the family may suffer stress from significant financial loss.

    Several authors have given definitions of grief that are now considered classic. For example, DeSpelder and Strickland identified five characteristics of grief:

    • Somatic distress
    • Loss of the usual patterns of conduct

    Bowlby described three phases of mourning:

    • Urge to recover the lost person
    • Disorganization and despair
    • Reorganization

    These phases originated from the attachment theory of human behavior, which postulates peoples need to attach to others in order to improve survival and reduce risk of harm.

    Lindemanns classic text described three tasks of what he called grief work. These include:

    • Freedom from ties to the deceased
    • Readjustment to the environment from which the deceased is missing
    • Formation of new relationships

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