Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Mental Health And Massage Therapy

Massage For Mental Health:

Amy Grutzmacher, Massage Therapist at Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine

As we all know, mental health is a persons state of mind. It is connected with psychological and emotional health. Mental health issues can vary from the worries of everyday life to serious long term problem. It can be divided into two groups called neurotic or psychotic. Neurotic mental health includes severe symptoms of normal emotions such as anxiety, depression, or panic.

In this condition anxiety and depression are common problems that can be severe and long-lasting and have a bad impact on peoples lives. Another less common type of mental health is psychotic behavior. It can interfere with a persons perception of reality. Mental health issues can affect the way you feel, think, and behave. In-home massage is an appropriate method to use for mental health in the following circumstances:

How A Massage Is Better Than An Apple A Day For Mental Health

When we think of massages we think of pampering, but a visit to a massage therapist can be exactly what the doctor ordered. So what exactly is a massage and how can it benefit an entrepreneur who is too busy to breathe, let alone lay on a table for an hour?

According to the Mayo Clinic, a massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage therapists typically use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their forearms, elbows and even feet. We accept and value massages for physical ailments, but we need to move to seeing massages as something that is beneficial for mental ailments as well. It’s a mind-body connection that energizes, and allows the receiver to feel cared for. In fact, it is suggested that massages treat a number of psychological issues: depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity, post-traumatic stress, and more.

As the mental health epidemic continues to grow throughout the country, people are turning seeking positive outcomes from total mind and body approaches such as massage therapy. Through the power of touch, massage has evolved into an additional treatment option for mental health conditions by reducing cortisol and adrenaline, as well as increasing serotonin and dopamine to reduce anxiety depression.

The Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy

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Everyone is suffering from severe mental issues because of certain circumstances, right? People want to get rid of their mental issues and they try different things for making their mental condition good. While there are many ways to make yourself relaxed and calm, so, many people are there that take medicines. Straight from the source, half of the adults are suffering from mental issues. These mental disorders usually do not extract from ordinary situations. But it carries a complete history of a person from where or when he started to face this problem.

Besides this, you can consult a great amount of research on mental health from where you can get a just minor idea. Still, some people are trying to figure out their mental condition and are unable to accept it. Therefore, this article will explain how the spa industry can give you relief from mental disorders.

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Massage Depression And Depressive Symptoms

In a comprehensive review of the use of CAM for perinatal depression, Deligiannidis and Freeman suggested that a growing body of literature supports the use of antenatal massage therapy either in combination with psychotherapy or as a monotherapy to treat pregnant women with mild depressive symptomatology. Poland and colleagues published results of a randomized, parallel-group, open-label controlled trial of massage versus light touch and wait-list control for the treatment of major depressive disorder in individuals infected with HIV. They reported that twice-weekly massage therapy was effective in decreasing depressive symptoms as measured by both the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory, beginning at week 4 and continuing throughout the eight-week trial period.

When the data presented here are synthesized with those of previous meta-analyses investigating the biology and efficacy of massage therapy across multiple disorders, they suggest that massage may be beneficial, at least as an adjuvant treatment, for depressed patients interested in a manual alternative therapy .

Neurotransmitter And Hormone Balance

The Physical, Emotional and Mental Benefits of Massage ...

Researchers have shown massage therapy activates neurotransmitters that can decrease anxiety and lower stress hormone levels. At the University of Miami School of Medicine, researchers found massage therapy had positive effects on people who were experiencing a range of mental health issues, including depression, eating disorders, and stress. The research team found about a 30% increase in serotonin and dopamine levels in the study participants who underwent massage, as well as a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol. These findings suggest massage was responsible for an increase in feel-good neurotransmitters and a decrease in stress.

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The Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy

A meta-analysis of 17 clinical studies found a significant reduction in depressive symptoms following engagement in a massage therapy program. According to the authors, all of the studies analyzed found that massage produced significant antidepressant effects.

The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami has conducted numerous studies concerning massage and mental health. The results include findings that massage therapy effectively reduces symptoms associated with:

  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Stress
  • Other mental health conditions

Massage therapy is also widely used as a complementary treatment for digestive disorders, headaches, fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome, as well as a wide range of other conditions.

Can Massage Therapy Be Helpful For People With Hiv/aids

Thereâs some evidence that massage therapy may have benefits for anxiety, depression, and quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS, but the amount of research and number of people studied are small.

  • Massage therapy may help improve the quality of life for people with HIV or AIDS, a 2010 review of 4 studies with a total of 178 participants concluded.
  • More recently, a 2013 study of 54 people indicated that massage may be helpful for depression in people with HIV, and a 2017 study of 29 people with HIV suggested that massage may be helpful for anxiety.

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How Psychiatrists And Massage Therapists Can Work Together

Many individuals with psychiatric disorders are already using CIM. A mail survey of adults with serious mental illness found that 31% of respondents reported using massage therapy . A starting point may be to begin by asking which of your existing clients uses massage therapy, which massage therapist they frequent, and what the massage therapists intake process entails. This query may lead the psychiatrist to seek out massage therapy to better understand available treatment options, but it may also prove helpful in identifying characteristics of individuals who may benefit most from referrals to therapeutic massage.

Communication is key to facilitating collaboration and ensuring that the patient is given consistent messages. Collaboration between psychiatrists and massage therapists can yield an integrated approach that capitalizes on the benefits of both forms of treatment while incorporating patient preferences and priorities. In addition, collaboration can expand treatment options, potentially allowing patients to have a more active role in their health care. Therapeutic massage invites a patient to actively engage in optimizing his or her mind-body awareness. The massage therapist serves as a witness to changes the patient undergoes through treatment, both conventional and complementary or integrative. Massage therapy is best viewed as an adjunct therapy rather than as an alternative to conventional treatment.

Can Massage Be Helpful For Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Cuddlist Nellie Wilson Specializes in Human Touch Therapy | Connecting Point | July 24, 2019

Massage therapy may be helpful for some fibromyalgia symptoms if itâs continued for long enough.

  • A 2014 evaluation of 9 studies concluded that massage therapy, if continued for at least 5 weeks, improved pain, anxiety, and depression in people with fibromyalgia but did not have an effect on sleep disturbance.
  • A 2015 evaluation of 10 studies compared the effects of different kinds of massage therapy and found that most styles of massage had beneficial effects on quality of life in people with fibromyalgia. Swedish massage may be an exception 2 studies of this type of massage did not show benefits.

For more information, see NCCIHâs fact sheet on fibromyalgia.

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What Are The Requirements To Become A Massage Therapist

In states that regulate massage therapy , therapists must get a license or certification before practicing massage. State regulations typically require graduation from an approved program and passing an examination.

Some massage therapists obtain certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. To do this, they must meet specific educational requirements, undergo a background check, and pass an examination.

How Does Massage Help With Stress

There are multiple benefits of massage for stress. All of these will reduce your stress levels :

  • Massage reduces muscle tension. By doing so, your body feels relaxed and calm.
  • After a few minutes, you start feeling more self-aware. Focusing on the hands on your skin reduces anxious thoughts while enjoying the experience.
  • Massage therapy features a reduction of muscle aches and pain. The emotional response to pain can be a source of stress and is now gone.
  • After some time, you feel so relaxed that stress transforms into drowsiness. In some cases, very stressed people are the first ones to fall asleep during a session.
  • All of the changes listed above trigger a reduction of stress hormones. Lower levels of cortisol will also reduce your emotional and physical tension.

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How Massage Therapists Conceptualize And Treat Clients With Psychiatric Complaints

The literature has no consensus regarding the optimal type of massage therapy, frequency of treatment, or length of the sessions. All modalities of massage therapy are performed with intention and presence, providing an opportunity for the client to interact with another human being in a safe environment. Initial contact with the patient during treatment allows the massage therapist to gauge surface tension or ease before systematically progressing deeper or working a larger area. Most massage therapists are trained in a variety of modalities, allowing them to choose the tools best suited to the clients current needs. In a treatment session, the client is in control of his or her experience .

Along with the aforementioned factors, session length depends on techniques used and could vary in length from 15 to 90 minutes. Relaxing and revitalizing techniques are used at the end of a treatment session and establish closure. Finally, an exit interview is conducted, which may include home care suggestions relevant to the massage experience. All sessions should be formally documented, typically using SOAP note format.

Massage + Mental Health: What You Can Do And When You Should Refer Out

Massage Therapy for Mental Health &  Chronic Illness ...

Counseling or diagnosing a client is absolutely out of scope for a massage therapist, but you canand shouldprovide a referral when appropriate.

Here are a few things you can do within your massage practice, as well as some signs to watch out for indicating its time to refer out.

Understand there is often a physical component to mental health. Pain, fatigue, muscle tension and sleep disruptions are common issues that bring people in for massage, all can be present with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. There is a variety of research available detailing the benefits massage therapy offers people managing chronic and acute pain, as well as symptoms, like insomnia, of chronic health conditions.

Look at your practice through your clients eyes. How your treatment room and waiting are decorated, the colors you choose, music and arrangement of your massage room all impact client comfort. Additionally, be aware fo the techniques youre using during a massage session and avoid those that might cause some discomfort.

Be aware of some of the most common signs that someone is struggling with their mental health and may benefit from a referral.

  • Difficulty attending to everyday activities
  • Feeling depressed or hopeless
  • A drastic increase or decrease in energy
  • Change in appetite or weight
  • Taking more medication than prescribed
  • Lack of sleep or sleeping too much

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It Helps With Emotions Related To Ongoing Illness:

Many people with a chronic illness feel helpless and arent sure where to move for treatment. It can lead to stress and anger. In-home massage therapy has been shown very beneficial against these symptoms in people with serious illnesses. People who receive massage had less stress, and anger than a control group. However, you should make sure to see a medical professional in order to ensure in-home massage therapy is ideal for your health issues. For example, those with blood clots should not receive an in-home massage.

Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Physical And Mental Health

Massage therapy sessions are beneficial to physical health and mental health.

Massage therapy can improve overall physical health by increasing the immune system function, decreasing heart rate, decreasing blood pressure, and lowering stress, just to name a few. Massage therapy can also provide many benefits for your emotional health. Here are just a few of the ways massage therapy provides emotional and physical support.

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Encourage The Person To Get Appropriate Professional Help

No, this doesnt mean another massage.

There is so much help nowadays for depression. Beyond the family doctor, there are counsellors, mental health therapists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, volunteer organizations and telephone helplines.

Just make sure you get them to some sort of appropriate help.

It might even be a good idea to start a referral relationship with a counsellor in your area, just for this type of situation.

Massage Therapys Impact On Mental Health

Therapeutic Massage

Everyone has his or her own version of a self-care routine. Whether its doing a face mask before bed, hitting the gym, or booking a massage, self-care can play a positive role in our quality of life.

For those who schedule massages, there are a whole host of benefits that this service can bring beyond the obvious physical relief. In fact, massage therapy has been clinically proven to alleviate depressive symptoms, soothe anxiety, and boost energy. This means that the mental relaxation that you feel after a massage doesnt come solely from the champagne. To the contrary, massage therapy actually causes changes at the physical level that can affect our overall happiness and mental well-being.

This week, were going to break down three ways that massage therapy can help with our mental health.

Massage Therapy Can Stimulate Hormones That Reduce Depression.

When there is a deficiency of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, this can lead to medical conditions such as depression. During a massage therapy session, a therapist works your muscles and other soft tissues to enhance their function and promote relaxation. The therapists touch alone releases feel-good hormones and increases neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. By stimulating these neurotransmitters, massage therapy can ultimately leave you in a better headspace.

Massage Therapy Can Sooth Anxiety.

Massage Therapy Can Increases Energy.

Rejuvenate + Invigorate

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Massage And Anxiety Depression And Ptsd

For mental and emotional well-being, massage therapy has a surprisingly robust body of evidence showing benefits for people with depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder , and other mood-related challenges. Much of this research has been done in settings where depression, anxiety, and stress are part of a larger health picture , although one study looked at the effects of massage therapy on 70 women diagnosed with anxiety and depression who underwent a month of spa treatments not surprisingly, their stress-related hormones and other biochemical changes suggested that massage can be helpful in this circumstance.

Implications Of The Results For Practice Policy And Future Research

As described above, due to the side effects of pharmacological interventions of preoperative anxiety, non-pharmacological interventions are becoming an alternative suggested item. Overall, few side effects are reported about non-pharmacological interventions so they can be used in patients of different ages and types of disease and surgery. As there are some controversies about the efficacy of these interventions in preoperative anxiety, more randomized clinical trials with a larger sample size are needed to evaluate the efficacy of these interventions.

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Top Five Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Mental Health

Massage therapy for mental illness: What is the use of massage therapy for reducing pain anxiety and depression?

Massage therapy for depression and anxiety:Do you know that mental illnesses include depression, anxiety and stress? And depression is a common disease in today’s stressful life. Talking about the root causes, one of them is hormonal disbalance. It creates many conditions in the brain, causing people to feel ill . At the same time, doctors suggest medicines for mental illnesses like depression. But recent research shows that massage can be very useful in depression. The Harvey Research Institute, , has found in the study that massage can reduce depression by 50%. Dr Sagar Lavania is researching this subject. It is believed that taking regular massage therapy can help in dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. However, it is said that it cannot work effectively in more severe cases related to stress and depression.

Regular Massage Soothes Anxiety

Top Five Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Mental Health

Anxious? The idea of laying on a massage table trapped with your own thoughts for an hour may actually sound like hell for you, but it helps anxiety, we promise!

Massage reduces the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, by up to 30%

In fact, massage can reduce the built-up stress in your body that leads to the anxiety running rampant throughout your veins. Massage has also been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, by up to 30 percent doing so helps your bodys ability to fight off anxiety. But not only that massage offers a safe space to individuals away from their stress and anxiety triggers.

A 2010 study even showed a short-term 50% reduction in anxiety symptoms on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale for its participants, which includes common anxiety symptoms such as tension, fears, and insomnia.

If youre interested in incorporating massage into your mental health routine, consider you might want to massage membership. Zeels massage membership is a simple, cncel-at-any-time subscription to a discounted monthly massage.

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