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Can Foot Massage Help Migraines

Suffering From A Headache This Foot Reflexology Massage Could Help

Massage Technique for Migraine Relief – ModernMom Massage

Will Coddington | Video Producer

Posted March 01, 2019

Looking for a way to relieve your headache naturally? Reflexologist Michele Stevens shows you how massaging specific areas of your feet could help ease the pain

Did you know that any tension in your feet, your hands and your face could affect whats going on in other areas of your body?

Whether its aches and pains, built up tension, or problems sleeping, reflexologist Michele Stevens will guide you through self-massage techniques to tackle some of the most frequent issues we all struggle with.

What is foot reflexology?

The feet have 26 bones and over 7,000 nerve endings called reflexes. It is these reflexes that correspond to every organ and system within your body.

Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary therapy and is based on the theory that by applying gentle pressure on these reflex points, you can stimulate the nervous system and open the energy pathways that may be blocked or congested.

A reflexology treatment aims to restore the bodys natural balance. In this busy world, we spend a lot of time on our feet and our feet take a daily pounding. We put our feet under a lot of pressure and never give them a thought until they start hurting. This impact is felt throughout the whole body and can even lead to tension headaches.

The good news is that you can follow this simple DIY foot massage for some instant self-help..

Foot reflexology for headaches

Self Massage For Tension Headaches

Fortunately, if you are physically able, there are plenty of ways to give yourself a massage at home. Massage techniques for headaches are the easiest to perform on yourself, since most of the techniques target easy-to-reach areas like the face, temples, neck, shoulders and even specific pressure points in the hands.

Its important that you avoid causing yourself pain while self-massaging if a technique starts to hurt beyond normal tension release, stop right away. Also, make sure to stretch your muscles out after massaging them, as that can prevent them from tensing up again too soon.

Try out the massage techniques below to relieve tension headaches.

To relieve facial tension:

  • Place a thumb on each temple and apply gentle pressure.
  • Rub your thumbs in small, circular motions, gradually increasing the pressure.
  • Slowly move your thumbs up along your hairline until they meet in the middle of your forehead, then reverse direction, stopping at your temples. Continue until the tension subsides.
  • To relieve neck tension :

  • Place both hands on the back of your head and interlace your fingers.
  • Drop your head forward. Allow the weight of your arms to pull your head gently down, stretching the muscles of your neck and upper back. Raise your head and repeat as needed.
  • To relieve neck tension :

  • Place your hands, palms-down, on your shoulders at the base of your neck. Inhale deeply.
  • Exhale, drop your head slowly back and squeeze your shoulder muscles with your hands.
  • Points On Your Feet For Headaches And Migraines: Acupressure And Reflexology Points For Fast And Natural Pain Relief

    If you get headaches or migraines, here are four acupressure and Chinese Reflexology points that can help you feel better right away. Learn how to rub your feet for fast pain relief and for long-term improvement of your symptoms.

    Lets face it, headaches suck!

    While I often write eloquently , theres no other way to describe the stabbing pain that shoots up through your eye, the vise-like grip that radiates from your head to your shoulders or the incessant throbbing that leaves you feeling cranky, crabby and foggy.

    If it sounds like Ive experienced some killer headaches, your assumption is 100% correct. Ive had stabbing migraines, headaches that follow you to sleep and greet you on waking, dull achy head pain, and ocular migraines too. Fortunately, I learned how to bring my body into balance so that I now cant even remember when I last had a headache.

    No one should have to suffer from headaches or migraines. It sucks the life right out of you and keeps you from doing the most basic day to day activities. Thats why Im writing todays article. Plus, one dear reader wrote to ask me how to use Chinese Reflexology for headaches. You know who you are, this article is for you. Thank you.

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    How To Treat Migraines: Can Reflexology Help

    This article was co-authored by Zora Degrandpre, ND. Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 100% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 254,092 times.

    Even if you only experience migraines occasionally, they’re always painful and can really ruin your day. There are many remedies for migraines, and one of those is reflexology. This is an ancient Chinese practice of accessing pressure points on your feet and hands that correspond to other areas of your body. By using these pressure points to refocus energy, practitioners believe they can relieve pain and stress throughout the body. Many people find relief from reflexology treatments, and research suggests that it is effective for migraines.XResearch source Since there isnt much risk from the treatment, you can try it out for yourself, either at home or with a professional, and see if it works. You just might feel relief from your migraines with the right techniques.

    Reflexology To Relieve A Migraine:

    MindInSole Acupressure Magnetic Massage Foot Therapy Reflexology Pain ...

    Reflexology is one of the most known alternative therapies that is based on the pressure and massage of the points on the soles in the feet. This massage therapy can be used to relieve pain and stress and thus is beneficial in relieving a migraine. There are corresponding zones in the feet that correspond to all areas of the body. In reflexology, your therapist will manipulate these zones to relieve a migraine with massage.

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    Benefits Of A Professional Massage Therapist Or Reflexologist

    There are absolutely benefits to visiting a professional reflexologist or massage therapist. They will have extensive knowledge of foot pressure points and how to properly massage them. This can save you a lot of time and effort as well as ensure that you are getting the most benefit from the massage.

    Additionally, they will be able to provide an overall foot massage that feels amazing and can help relieve tension in other parts of your body as well. While we’ve focused on the benefits of foot reflexology and acupressure points for migraine relief, these same techniques and have other benefits across your entire body including improving the function of internal organs and sexual function. If you have the opportunity, we would definitely recommend trying out a professional foot reflexology massage!

    While foot reflexology is a great way to reduce pain and frequency of migraines, it is not necessarily a cure-all. For some people, migraines are caused by underlying health conditions that require medical attention. If you are experiencing migraines on a regular basis, it is important to speak with a doctor to rule out any underlying causes.

    Additionally, foot reflexology should not be used as a replacement for other medical treatments prescribed by your doctor. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially if you have an existing medical condition.

    Massaging Via Craniosacral Therapy To Relieve A Migraine:

    This is another massage therapy, which involves a massage on the skull bones and the scalp of the patient suffering from migraine pain. All you need to do is lie back and your massage therapist would gently massage your skull bones and the scalp and your nerve endings would receive a fair attention, which relaxes the nerves and reduces migraine pain.

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    How Does Reflexology Help With Migraines

    The pressure points associated with your head, face, and neck, which are the spots that hurt during a migraine attack, are on the tips of your feet. Massaging them using the right techniques can help to reduce the pain youre experiencing. Reflexologists believe that massaging the tips of your toes can help to relax the frontal sinus. A migraine often comes in the form of sinus pain which can manifest on the forehead, between the eyes, or around the cheeks.

    For pain around the eyes which isnt sinus-related, apply pressure between the middle and second toes. Pain around the eyes is extremely common during a migraine attack, so pressing these pressure points can help to bring relief. Between the second toe and the middle toe, theres a pressure point that relates to your eyes. If the pain is more generalised around the head, apply gentle pressure on the centre of your big toes, right around the knuckles.

    Migraine Pressure Points: Ears Hands And Feet

    Suffering with a headache? This foot reflexology massage could help

    If you are one of the29.5 American adults affected by migraine attacks, you know that a migraine is not just a bad headache.

    Migraine attacks can be debilitating, causing throbbing, pulsating, or stabbing pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, vision changes, and sensitivity to light and sound.

    In addition to medications and lifestyle changes, treating migraine attacks with pressure points is another popular at-home option you may want to explore to manage migraine attacks.

    In this article, Ill talk about whether pressure points work for migraine, how to apply pressure to them, and other treatment options for migraine attacks. Ill also talk about when you should see a doctor or healthcare provider.

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    Side Effects Of Massage For Migraine Relief:

    There are certain side effects of massage therapy to relieve a migraine, which must be known to you before you undergo or perform the massage for migraine.

    • Massage to relieve a migraine may cause internal bleeding.
    • There may be nerve damage at times when doing massage to relieve a migraine.
    • Temporary paralysis may be caused sometimes from massage to relieve a migraine.

    How Does Massage Therapy Help Migraines

    As we mentioned earlier, one of the symptoms that many people will experience alongside a migraine is tension in the upper back and neck. This pain can leave people feeling more exhausted and in deeper pain. This is exactly where massage therapy can help. By having a professional come in and work the muscles that are holding tension, the individual struggling with the migraine can feel all the better. In most instances, the massage therapist will know exactly where to work to release the tension that the migraine created.

    Aside from that, massages have shown to help reduce stress levels, which in turn can reduce the number of migraines that someone is experiencing. So, if your client tells you that theyre experiencing migraines because of stress levels, a regular massage could be the thing that makes all the difference.

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    Acupressure And Reflexology Points On The Foot For Migraine Treatment

    You may remember from elementary school science that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa. The same holds true for acupressure points. For pain on the left side of your head, massage the reflexology point on the right foot reverse it for pain on the right side of the head.

    For migraines in the temporal area or sides of your head, apply acupressure to the inside surface of the large toe .

    • Massage the point using your thumb to press and rub from side to side, starting at the tip of your large toe and working your way back towards the foot.
    • At the base of the toe, pick up your thumb and place it back at the top of the toe and repeat the massaging action.
    • Continue the massage for 60 seconds to smooth the flow of Qi and relieve the migraine or headache originating in the temporal area.

    The Four Gates include two acupressure points on the feet and two on the hands. A warning about the Four Gates: Do not use these points if you are pregnant. It has been known to induce labor or create other issues.

    The foot point is called Tai Chong, also known as Liver 3 because it is located on the liver meridian of the body. The liver is essential in ensuring the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. It is located on top of the foot between the metatarsals for the large toe and second toe, near where the bones meet.

    When applying pressure, there is no reason to go beyond comfort. It is better to press too lightly than too firmly.

    What Types Of Headaches Can Be Helped With A Foot Massage

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    Its important to note, that even outside of the Reflexology scope, most stress-induced headaches can be addressed at some level by foot massage, and other types of massage. The relaxation effect of a foot massage alone is enough to tame many headaches brought on by stress.

    Migraines get special treatment because of their link to internal organs and specific placement in the brain. As a result, reflexology can shine with the treatment of migraines. Some cluster headaches or stress headaches are more externally oriented and can be addressed differently, but dont have as many outlets as migraines for treatment. That said, a great foot massage is usually enough to provide some relief for all types of headaches, so you need not be a reflexology expert to gain some relief.

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    Lessening Tension Headache Symptoms

    A tension headache isnt the same as a migraine, but it can still be painful. Holding tension can also lead to a migraine. Massage reduces tension in the back, neck, shoulders, face, and jaw.

    Preventing tension headaches and promoting overall relaxation and wellness is a wonderful form of self-care that can improve your quality of life.

    The Benefits Of Foot Reflexology For Migraine Relief

    There are many benefits of foot reflexology treatment, not just for migraine headache relief but for overall health and well-being. This centuries-old practice is said to improve circulation, boost the immune system, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Additionally in traditional Chinese medicine it is said to help improve the flow of qi, a force that flows through the nervous system to points all across the body. All of these things are important when it comes to migraines as well. Stress is a common trigger for migraines, so anything that can help reduce it is worth trying. The improved circulation from foot reflexology can also help to ease pain by bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body. While the effects can include immediate relief from pain, reflexology is about getting the body in better balance so you can reduce the immediate pain, but also duration of the attacks.

    While there are specific points on the foot that are believed to be more effective in relieving migraine attacks and reducing their frequency, even just a full foot massage will often provide relief and reduce migraine frequency.

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    What Is Foot Reflexology And How Does It Work

    Skeptics may dismiss Chinese reflexology concepts, saying there is significant scientific evidence that these practices can provide significant health benefits. However, the scientific literature from studies around the world indicate it offers improved positive results with virtually no side effects compared to those in a placebo group. While traditional treatment for improving blood circulation, neck tension, or even intense pain would be to prescribe drugs to eliminate the sensation of pain – massaging these important pressure points can be a very good non-intrusive complementary therapy that results in significant pain relief.

    Reflexology is based on the principle that there are certain points on the feet and hands that correspond to different organs and systems in the body. By applying pressure to these points, it is possible to relieve pain and tension in other parts of the body. This is why a foot reflexology massage for migraine relief can be so effective.

    There are many foot reflexology charts available online that show which points on the feet correspond to which parts of the body. If you are suffering from a migraine, you can try massaging these points yourself or visit a reflexologist who will be able to help you. Either way, this is a natural and drug-free way to migraine pain relief that is definitely worth trying!

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    Help Headaches & Migraines with Reflexology!

    Statistics show that one out of every six Americans suffers from chronic headachesthats roughly 45 million sufferers every year.

    Every 10 seconds, someone in the United States goes to the emergency room with a headache or migraine.

    More than $1 billion is spent on over-the-counter medications to treat headaches and migraines. The lost work due to migraines costs more than $13 billion every year.

    Self-Massage Techniques for Headache Relief

  • Drink plenty of water before and after doing these protocols.
  • Press your thumbs firmly towards each other and into the bridge of your nose, just underneath your forehead. Hold for 10 seconds, breath deeply. Repeat 5 times.
  • Take your thumbs and place them just underneath your forehead, with the pads very close to the bridge of your nose. But this time you will press firmly upwards towards your forehead. Take deep breaths while holding this pressure for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  • Take both hands and pinch your eyebrows holding for 10 seconds. Breathe deeply. Repeat 5 times.
  • Press your middle three fingers firmly into the sides of your temple and add a slight circular motion for 10 seconds using steady pressure. Breathe deeply. Repeat 5 times.
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