Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Is Deep Tissue Massage Benefits

Take Precautions Prior To The Massage

The Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage for Bodybuilders | Tiger Fitness

Before you begin, make sure youâve done your research and looked for a certified and experienced therapist. The last thing you need is an inexperienced therapist causing an injury instead of relief. Itâs important to relax and trust the therapist.

  • Talk to your doctor to make sure itâs safe to get a massage.
  • Donât opt for a deep tissue massage if youâve had blood clots in the past.
  • Check with your doctor if youâve had chemo, radiation, or any surgeries.
  • Do you have a medical condition that affects your bones, muscles, or joints? Youâll need medical approval from a doctor first.

Now that you have an idea of what you need to do before you even book the appointment, here are the Seven Undeniable Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage.

Reduces Stress Anxiety And Muscle Tension

Chronic stress and muscle tension cause inflammation, which can worsen your overall health. A deep tissue massage is a solution to all the stress life throws at you.

A massage also increases the production of oxytocin. This hormone is more or less your bonding hormone. It influences your social interactions and creates positive emotions. Youâve probably heard how endorphins make you happy, and thatâs exactly what this massage does.

Fight Your Painful Arthritis

Do you have a desk job?

Are you constantly pounding away on a keyboard? It might be time for a deep tissue massage to combat arthritis pain.

Depending on how far along your arthritis is, it can affect your quality of life. Massages improve pain, stiffness, range of motion, and your overall hand grip. You shouldnât be in pain, even if youâre trying to write something simple down on a piece of paper.

Itâs important to note that the massage is to complement your doctor-prescribed arthritis treatment and it is not an actual treatment itself.

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Sports Massage Versus Deep Tissue Massage: Which Should I Choose

Many massage therapists can offer both sports massage and deep tissue massage and as a client you can ask for the one that will best suit your needs. It might be that one session includes both techniques.

Joanne says: In summary, deep tissue massage is used for general aches and pains, while sports massage will be more tailored to problem areas or injuries.

The type of massage that is more suitable should be discussed with your therapist prior to any treatment undertaken.

The after-care following treatment is also important, for example, drinking enough water and having a bath will help reduce any soreness in areas that have been treated.”

In conclusion, massage is a good idea for both runners and hikers especially as a way to prevent injury and help with recovery from your sport. You can discuss with a therapist the best form of treatment to suit your training programme, activities and aches and pains.

What To Expect From A Deep Tissue Massage

Pin by Alicia Rogan on massage

Whilst receiving a deep tissue massage, your massage therapist will use slow and strong strokes along your spine, shoulders and neck with deep finger pressure to target specific areas that need attention. They will be attempting to work out knots and reduce pressure around tense muscles.

Some people choose to remove all their clothes during a deep tissue massage, but this depends on the spa you visit and your personal preference when it comes to having a massage. A deep tissue massage treatment will typically last around 60-90 minutes.

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Deep Tissue Massage For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a clear candidate for treatment by deep tissue massage. Weather from stress, or injury, shoulder pain can quickly turn into a bigger problem when it causes you to compensate in movements and posture, leading to more pain or damage. Deep tissue massage of the shoulders has extreme relaxation benefits as well and can even assist in eliminating headaches.

Deep Tissue Massage Side Effects

Generally speaking there is little risk of negative effects. Usually, the only problems reported after deep tissue massage are soreness and sometimes bruising. Muscle soreness, of course, is due to manipulating the connective tissues on such a deep level. Bruising is not as common and can be reduced by modifying techniques as needed for client sensitivity.

As with any therapy, there can be rare cases of other side effects, and it is always good practice to communicate any concerns with your masseuse, therapist or doctor.

A quality massage therapist will get your medical history before beginning deep tissue massage in order to screen you for any possible problems before they arise.

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Drinks Lots Of Fluids

Drink at least 2 cups of water after a deep tissue massage session, preferably warm. If youre not fond of drinking water, try some fruit juice or herbal tea instead. For better recovery, we recommend that you have your next deep tissue massage on the following day so that you can benefit from the recovery effect.

What Are The Benefits Of A Deep Tissue Massage

What is Deep Tissue Massage? | Health Benefits | Elite Healers Massage Therapy NYC

The reason most people decide to have a deep tissue massage is to deal with a specific problem. Always check with the therapist before the massage begins Common examples may include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Chronic muscle pain
  • Injury rehabilitation and athletic recovery
  • Repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Lower back pain
  • Breaking up scar tissue

In all of these instances the main aims of deep tissue massage are to lessen discomfort and pain, as well as increasing your body’s capacity to heal itself.

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The History Of Deep Tissue Massage

Are you ever curious about WHO discovered massage in the first place? Who one day decided that they were going to try working on the body this way. The answer is the Egyptians and Greeks are who discovered the healing power of massage.

Later in the 1800s, the concept was then adopted in Canada and The United States.

As time went on, the practice of massage began to flourish and grow. In 1970, Therese Phimmer established solid guidelines on Deep Tissue Massage. Her book, Muscles Your Invisible Bonds, became the how-to manual for many first emerging massage therapists.

Therese Phimmers journey began through daily deep tissue massage to help reverse paralysis in her legs, which encouraged her to become a trained massage therapist.

Phimmer wrote her book in 24 hours and had it sent to a publisher. In 1971 she opened the Deep Muscle Therapy School and taught her first class! She died on March 11th, 1980 and was able to train 73 therapists.

Labor Pains Will Be A Breeze

Pregnancy is a glorious thing, but being in excruciating pain is not.

Good news ladies! Getting a massage lowers anxiety. Women who received a massage before or during labor experience a decrease in depression, anxiety, and back pain.

Thereâs a chance the massage will lower your labor time and the amount of medication you need. The goal is to have a safe and healthy pregnancy all around.

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Side Effects: The After

After a deep tissue massage, you may feel sore in the region that was treated. You should not experience violent discomfort, and if you do, you should talk to your massage therapist about it. Sleepiness and thirst are the most common aftereffects of a deep tissue massage. We propose scheduling a home deep tissue massage so that you may drink water and take a nap, or go to sleep, shortly after.

A deep tissue massage might cause a headache or even make you feel nauseated. This is due to the toxins in your body moving about. Drink lots of water, relax, and the tension will go away. Because of the positive effects of the hormones released by deep pressure, you may anticipate feeling refreshed in terms of your mood. Some of these after-effects are good, while others may be a little frightening.

Deep tissue massage, on the other hand, is generally safe and can be performed by most people. If you have clotting problems or osteoporosis, though, you should avoid it. Youll see results over time once any adverse effects have worn off. However, understanding what to do after a deep tissue massage might assist you.

How Does Deep Tissue Massage Work

Why get a Deep Tissue Massage? It feels good and it is beneficial to ...

The first step is for your therapist to assess your condition. He or she will ask questions about your health history. Then he or she will perform an examination. During this exam, your therapist will look at your skin, muscle tone, and range of motion.

Next, he or she will use special tools to locate areas of tension and stiffness. Your therapist may use his or her hands, fingers, elbows, knees, feet, or thumbs. After locating the problem area, your therapist will apply firm but gentle pressure. He or she may use long strokes

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How Do I Prepare For A Deep Tissue Massage

No special preparation is necessary for a deep tissue massage. For your comfort, empty your bladder before the massage starts. If you are having a full body deep tissue massage, you will be lying on your stomach halfway through the appointment. For this reason, it may also be helpful to avoid large meals before a massage. Enjoy a nutritious snack about an hour before your massage.

Plan to arrive about 15 minutes before your session begins. This will give your mind and body time to relax and think about what to share with the therapist.

Bring a bottle of water with you.

Relieve Stress And Tension

Deep tissue massage can also help to relieve stress and tension, which can be a contributing factor to low back pain and sciatica. Stress and tension can cause the muscles in the lower back to become tense and tight, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Deep tissue massage can help to release this tension and promote relaxation, which can reduce pain and improve overall well-being.

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Undeniable Benefits Of A Deep Tissue Massage

After a long week, all you can think about is how great a massage would feel.

Sometimes your partnerâs hands just canât do what a professional massage therapist can. So why not consider treating yourself to a deep tissue massage? You will feel like a million bucks afterward, and weâre going to give you seven more benefits as to why you should book one now.

Not only does a deep tissue massage feel amazing, it also come with numerous physical and psychological benefits.

How To Find A Massage Therapist

The Differences Between Deep Tissue Massage and Swedish Massage

Do places like Massage Envy do deep tissue massages? It depends on the location and specific therapists who are employed there.

Although some massage therapists have a basic understanding of deep tissue massage, its best to find an accredited, well-trained therapist. This is especially the case if you plan to try neuromuscular therapy , which involves deep strokes that target delicate soft tissues around nerves.

According to the Neuromuscular Therapy Center, NMT is one type of deep massage technique that focuses on applying manual therapy to soft tissue with quasi-static pressure in order to stimulate skeletal striated muscle. In addition to massaging a painful or inflamed muscle, the area around the affected muscle that normally supports it is also massaged in order to release tension.

NMT therapists often focus on several factors that can add to muscle or tissue dysfunctions, including joint pathologies, postural positioning, disruptive habits of use, nutritional components, emotional well-being, allergies and neurotoxins.

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Tips For Your First Visit

Be sure you know what deep tissue massage is, how deep touch differs from deep pressure and deep tissue massage.

If youre going to have deep tissue work done, its important that you know deep pressure and deep tissue are not the same thing.

In deep tissue massage, the therapist applies deep pressure in order to reach deep muscle tissues by mass aging along the length of the muscle and applying deep pressure or friction across the grain of the muscles through hands, elbows, or forearms.

If youre going to have a deep tissue massage, its important that you know deep pressure and deep tissue are not the same thing.

Be sure to let your therapist know if any particular areas are causing you pain. If deep pressure or deep touch is too much for your deep tissues, your therapist needs to know before you arrive at the appointment and will decrease the deep and deep pressure used on that area.

Common Benefits Of Deep Tissue Massage

Research shows that regular deep tissue massage can improve blood pressure and reduce stress. The stress and anxiety you experience from working out will subside when you get a deep tissue massage.

This massage is especially beneficial for athletes and people who lift heavyweights. The muscles you work out with are tight and prone to injury. It is, therefore, a good idea to schedule an appointment every two weeks. Further, regular massages have other health benefits.

What is a deep tissue massage?

The benefits of a deep tissue massage are numerous. This therapeutic massage is prevalent among athletes, runners, and people who suffer from chronic muscle injuries. In addition to relieving acute pain, it can also be used for people with lower back pain or chronic conditions. Read on to learn more about the benefits of a deeper structural massage.

Studies have shown that people with fibromyalgia reported immediate relief from pain and decreased levels of anxiety and depression. Because the technique involves working deep into the muscle. It can cause soreness and tenderness, which may persist for a few days afterward.

Deep tissue massage techniques

The best massage therapists use various techniques to treat a wide range of conditions. Among the most popular designs is deep tissue massage. This method is more intense than the average session and involves using little or no lubricant.

5 Benefits of deep tissue massage

Pain relief

Stress relief

Lowers blood pressure

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Lowers Stress And Anxiety

Stress is a normal part of life. When your body senses danger, it begins releasing more cortisol, a stress hormone that triggers your fight or flight. These levels should rise in moderate amounts during the day and level out at night. For people experiencing chronic stress, these cortisol levels remain high, which results in weight gain, sleeping troubles, and more.

Deep tissue massage not only lowers the levels of this stress hormone in your blood. It also counteracts its effects by releasing feel-good hormones, like oxytocin and serotonin. Oxytocin, your bodys bonding hormone, promotes positive moods and social interactions, while serotonin can encourage happiness and relaxation.

Not to mention, the simple act of taking 60 minutes for self-care can help you unwind mentally and physically. Massage therapy often promotes total-body relaxation with soothing music and aromatherapy. Even physical touch has been shown to reduce stress quickly and effectively.

Deep Tissue Massage Benefits #: Increasing Flexibility And Mobility

The Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

As previously mentioned, deep tissue massage benefits the breaking up of scar tissue within the body by improving the lymphatic system. Areas where people have scar tissue are often sources of pain and stiffness. When this scar tissue is broken up, it can increase flexibility and mobility of your muscles and tendons.

That increase in flexibility and mobility also boosts range of motion, making deep tissue massage particularly useful for athletes and people with active lifestyles. It can also benefit those with mobility issues caused by a variety of health ailments.

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Deep Tissue Massage Benefits Including Treating Chronic Back Pain

By Jillian Levy, CHHC

Whether youre an athlete with a daily high demand placed on your body or recovering from an injury or illness, deep tissue massage likely has some benefits to offer you.

Massages have been utilized for thousands of years throughout the world to lower both physical and psychological stress. And today, research continues to show that whether used alone or in conjunction with other treatments, massage therapy is an effective way to help treat common conditions like arthritis, anxiety and chronic lower back pain.

Deep tissue massage benefits include reducing pain and discomfort, while improving the bodys ability to heal itself. Not only is this type of massages relaxing studies show they also help lengthen and release muscles that frequently feel tense and get stuck in uncomfortable holding patterns.

Lets explore what, exactly, deep tissue massage is and all the ways it can benefit your body and mind.

What To Expect During A Deep Tissue Massage

During a deep tissue massage, the massage therapist will use their hands, elbows, and forearms to apply pressure to the deeper layers of muscle and fascia. They will execute slow, profound strokes to locate tight spots. Excitingly, this massage technique can help ease tension in the body!

The massage may be painful at times, especially if the massage therapist is targeting a particularly tight area. However, the massage should never be unbearable. If the pain is too intense, you can communicate this to the massage therapist, and they will adjust the pressure.

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Who Benefits From Deep Tissue Massage

  • Chronic back pain sufferers
  • Those suffering from disorders with high levels of inflammation such as Arthritis.
  • Pregnant women have also been shown to benefit greatly.
  • Those suffering from PTSD, Anxiety and Depression.
  • Those diagnosed with Hypertension
  • Those with high stress jobs, and jobs requiring a lot of clerical work.
  • Fibromyalgia sufferers
  • Those diagnosed with plantar fasciitis

Ways To Find A Massage Therapist

What is a deep tissue massage like?
  • Ask around! Your friends and family may already have a lead on someone awesome.
  • Ask your doctor for a referral.
  • Check out the American Massage Therapy Associations website.
  • Search the directory of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.

While youre figuring out the right therapist for you, heres some stuff to consider:

  • Not all therapists do deep tissue work. Most therapists need additional training to perfect this technique. If you already work with a massage therapist, ask them ahead of time if they do deep tissue. If not, they can recommend someone with a firmer touch.
  • Deep tissue massage can cost more than a Swedish massage. Thankfully, certain health insurance plans cover massages. Also, a lot of spas offer memberships and packages, which can reduce costs.

You either like foot rubs or you dont. And if you do, you know they can be heavenly. If youre down for foot and calf massage, there are awesome ways to treat yo self at home.

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